Blog Archive

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Shit Happens.

Unfortunately, I think I have a crush. Surprisingly, it's someone that S introduced me to. Unfortunately, I think I have another crush. Surprisingly, well, just crushing is surprising.

The first one, we talked a couple nights ago from about 1230 am to 6 in the morning. He is the reason my phone privileges were taken away for two nights. My ma woke up, ready to go to work and was ASTONISHED that I was still on the phone with the same person. Anyway, he's pretty damn funny & talks & talks & talks & overuses the phrase, "I was pissed". About six feet, light skinned, name starts with a
G, he's on my good side.

The second one I met Saturday SURPRISINGLY through S, who doesn't talk to many boys that I care for. We talked from about 12 somethin to 4 somethin in the mornin. I'm glad he wasn't on my jock like I thought he was going to be, understands that I'm not necessarily looking for a boyfriend. Also funny, dark skinned, tall as well & name starts with a C, he's also on my good side.

hip hip hooray for feelings.
-rolls eyes

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