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Monday, August 11, 2008

Kooky Shit.

Been a good, kinda awkward last four days of my life. The family reunion was SURPRISINGLY good and i got along with the same cousins who made me CRY four years ago, lmfao. But I still kind of resent them, I try not to, but if we weren't cool to begin with I can hold a grudge. I might forgive but best believe I ain't gon forget. The dj was whack for the most part though, playin sex me up music while my family is tryin not pretend like it ain't awkward listenin to Lil Wayne rap about oral sex RIGHT AFTER we just got done doin the Cupid Shuffle. Little white boy was most of my entertainment at the picnic. Sat right next to me & said, "Did you know that green is my favorite color? And you're wearing green shoes", told me he liked brown skinned girls, lmao. And I bonded with one of my smallest cousins, name's Matthew--it was over Transformers. Nigga came up and was like, "I have to save my friends from the evil Deceptacon Megatron". Im like "WHOA YOU MY NEW BEST FRIEND"


After that going surprisingly well I got a call from C wondering why he really thought I would still have ANY feelings for him when he straight igged me forever & a day after talkin so much about likin me or whatever. I stopped giving a fuck a hot minute ago. I snuck T into the house last night *off the radar, mom was sleep*, we watched Havoc, made out, blah blah blah, he was cool though. Funny ol skinny nigga, SWEARS he's white.

-rolls eyes

But TODAY, OMFG TODAY, I hung out with CH. My ma let him join us for lunch/dinner then I chilled at his place with his fam. Our moms met, Daron came over for a bit to hang. I'm trying to not like the nigga but he ain't doing anything wrong and it's more than obvious he wants me to be his girl or whatever. On the phone, R calls, asks what he's doin. CH was like, "Takin my...I mean, takin LaJill home". And while i wouldn't mind actually dating him, I'm attempting to keep my options open.

-watches I Want To Work For Diddy.

M, maybe hates me? Well actually I think he feels for me and do I want to lose him? NO. I mean, he's a cool ass guy who I was getting along with so well. Unfortunately, I mean...I dont know. It's just unfortunate. I dont get it, he thinks I have "fans". But fuckin CS really? If I dont post up & leave tags I'm bored, no point in logging in. It'd be nice if he'd let me keep him as a friend, cause UNFORTUNATELY, i do care.



somethingnew said...

lol oh god you sound like me with all these boys.

Anonymous said...

some many boys so little time.