Blog Archive

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tits, Cause I Got A Dollar.


Jill. said...

i'm fuckin awesome!

AJ said...

i swear to god you're crazy.

Twan said...

weird just hit a all time high

Tashur Raquel said... lol.

George.I.Am said...

lol!!! your silly in some of those videos

Unknown said...

well i truly believe that that little whore shall buy the world i believe she truly can buy the world with that dollar and she is not naive she is extravagantly intelligent and do not question my authority.

p.s i made a video just for you go look at it on facebook.

Jill. said...

john dont know shit about shit.
gon tell me how to make my vids and shit.


Unknown said...

hey hey watch that little hole in yo face! XXD