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Thursday, August 28, 2008


Currently reading Rad Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451. I mean this book is soooo good and I get excited when I read it. The theme of the book, the things that some of the characters are say are really off the wall, yet it all seems real. That people could be simple minded and careless and that in the future, no one would care. It reminds me of the movie Idiocracy, only alot more realistic. Firefighters burning books/houses/people, two atomic wars since 1990, a world full of women who thinks it's bad to have children. I mean, I haven't finished reading the book yet I'm already scared of what comes tomorrow.

Currently deep into feelings with A. That fool, damn fool that makes it his duty to make me think I'm stupid even though he says he doesn't. When really, I don't think he does either but I get on the extra defensive side from time to time. Then again, this cocky mu'fucker seems to be 702483232 x's into me than CH ever was. Even talking to the both of them on the phone was like...oh. So what? CH is a straight-A student with a great family. He's also at times, very boring and easy to figure out. When I'm like "when we gonna hang out again?" he doesn't understand that I don't wanna be around his family or his blah blah blah, but with him, but he doesn't really care that much AND he ain't got a way ANYWHERE. On the other hand, even though A probably doesn't want to ask/tell his mom anything I think that he still would cause he's generally interested in me/what I want/etc. Me and A are on the same page wayyy more than me and CH and that's why any crush on CH is fading for me. I'm not jumping over hoops for any dude, especially one I doubt is deep in.

Anyway, going back to watching Moment of Truth's 2-hour season premiere now.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jill the Pimp..
that fucking show is wreckless.
cant believe ppl still go on there.