Blog Archive

Friday, August 1, 2008

Summer Draining.

My patience is growing thinner and thinner with everyday, I just want school back. I want to spend hours doing math problems. I want make after school & weekend plans. Things don't seem as fun when you can do them any other day of the week. I want to be like, "hey! you look different/same/gross". It's whatever.

Summer is literally drained all energy out of me. I'm just lazy now. Give me a television, my laptop & a cellphone & I'm set for all of August. I've done everything there is to do a million times over. Hanging out with friends, bowling, shopping, skating, it's all getting old now.

Not to mention, with it being my junior year I have 72038408 things to look forward to. My license, homecoming, forensics debates, my little sister being a freshman, a job at Walgreens, getting my car, GAHHHHHHHD.

I'm gonna take a nap now. Told my mom I'd watch Black In America with her tonight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i watched black in america.
i feel you on summer being boring.
i never thought i'd say i actually wanted to go to school.